Title: 2002 September 19 Rolling Stone Magazine Meet the Vines, ROCK IS BACK! This is an original print out of Rolling Stone. Please examine the photo carefully to discern its condition. It's a vintage magazine collected and stored. The photo has imperfection(s). It may contain wrinkle(s), cracks, bent and possibly tears due to its age and handling or transfer. Object on photo is not part of the sale and will be removed prior to sale. This photo has been photographed under a ring/halo light and LED 450 lumen light (white and yellow). Not photoshopped or used any type of filter. It may appear brighter or darker as it depends on app or computer system used to view it. This vintage magazine is offered for sale as a collectible item and conveys no issuance or transfer of copyright whatsoever. Thank you for browsing and for your business.